Wedding Awards 2019!Thanks to all my beautiful clients: it wouldn’t have been possible without you! ❤ Category: MAKE UP AND HAIR2019/03/18Tags: Wedding Awards 2019Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Capelli sciolti o raccolti? Il dilemma di tutte le spose!NextNext post:Lisa & Ross’ destination wedding in RavelloRelated PostsMexican-Italian wedding in Rome: my bride Lori’s make up and hairstyle2017/05/11Saresh & Arti: a romantic anniversary in Rome2017/04/20A nice walk around Rome on Easter2017/01/20American couple engagement shooting in Rome2016/11/22Jon & Sofia: Swedish wedding in Rome2016/11/17BRIDAL MAKE UP AND HAIRSTYLING TIPS BEFORE THE WEDDING2016/11/10